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Activities If Your Mobile Phone Screen Is Broken

Our smartphones are an integral part of our lives. With the amount of daily usage that we subject them to, it should come as no surprise that these sophisticated and fragile devices are prone to breakage.

When our mobile phones are damaged, we find ourselves in a panic mode. Given that our cell phones are our go-to devices in our daily lives and are perhaps the most important medium through which we interact with our immediate environment, it stands to reason that we feel lost without it. If our phones are not fixed promptly, it adversely affects every other aspect of our lives.

One of the most common issues that mobile phone users face with their hand-held devices is a broken screen. In this article, we will discuss in some detail what we can do if we are faced with such a dilemma.


For all those of us who are tech-savvy, it is worth a shot to try and mend the broken mobile phone screen yourself first before taking it to a professional for repair or replacement. These days, there are plenty of DIY tutorial videos available online that detail step-by-step processes to repair or replace a broken cell phone screen. These videos also come complete with information regarding the various tools and parts that would be required for the repair and where to procure them.

One drawback of the DIY process is that it tends to be expensive since the kits do not come cheap. Furthermore, if you are not a professional yourself, it is not a good idea to attempt any repair work yourself as you may risk damaging the device permanently.


This home-made remedy is apt if your phone screen has suffered a scratch and not a full-blown crack. Take some toothpaste on a cotton bud and rub it on the scratched area of the screen, taking care not to touch any vulnerable parts of the phone such as buttons, headphone sockets etc. This method is known to hide small scratches or even fix them.

Contacting the manufacturer

Many of the top manufacturers such as Samsung, Apple, HTC etc. cover screen repair or replacement for their customers especially if they are under warranty. Services such as the AppleCare+ etc. enable consumers to avail phone repair at a fraction of the market cost or depending upon the nature of the accident, completely free.

Accepting the status-quo

Depending on the severity of the cracked screen, it may not be such a bad idea to let things be exactly the way they are. This is especially true if you no longer have a warranty.

Minor cracks do not interfere with the normal functioning of the screen and you will get used to its sight in due course of time. To prevent the crack from widening due to usage, you can use a screen-guard which holds the piece together till such time when you decide whether to repair, replace or buy a new phone altogether.

The aforementioned points discuss in details what to do in the event of a cracked cell phone screen. Adopting any combination of these time-tested methods will help adequately deal with a broken mobile phone screen.

Source of URL: -https://sites.google.com/view/10-phone-repairing/home

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